Sunday 1 February 2015

Mooglechan says hello!

Hey guys!

Welcome to my blog! Woah I can't believe I'm doing this! xD I hope you all enjoy! I thought I'd start with introducing myself for those of you who do not know me! My name is Sarah also known as Mooglechan from Mooglechan Cosplay on Facebook or Mog as my friends have nicknamed me! As you can guess I love moogles...although I love anything cute and moogles are damn cute right??

This is me :)

In this blog I plan to post reviews of cosplays, contacts, wigs, clothing that I buy, or progress of any cosplays that I make! My most recent cosplays are Rise from Persona 4 which I will review my cosplay brought from so if you are interested in that stay tuned! I am also currently making Annie from League of Legends and I will be reviewing the contacts I brought for her from as well as posting progress as I go along! As you can probably guess I am cosplay obsessed haha!

I have a love for Japanese street fashion such as Fairy Kei, Cult Party Kei, Visual Kei, Decora, Shironuri, and Lolita. So I will post photos of my inspiration as well as my own outfits! Oh and if you are a cosplay fan I will be posting any cosplays that I love too (with permission of course!).

Ahh so much to say! I hope I didn't ramble on! >_< First review of my Annie contacts will be up soon! Until next time Kupo! ^_^ xx

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